There is not one specific thing or two that makes one Rochester NY newspaper better than another one, but rather a mix of things usually comes into play. However, many Rochester NY newspapers have a lot of similar things in common, and they mostly do excellent jobs of both covering news for Rochester NY residents and for inspiring them and the community to do more and better things. Below are three specific ways in which most Rochester NY newspapers step up to the challenge of serving as hometown community newspapers, making use of the resources they have to help and inspire others to have a passion for reading and for giving back to the communities in which they live.
One: Rochester NY newspapers are always fully invested in the communities where they distribute their papers each day. There are communities both inside and outside of Rochester NY proper that are covered by these Rochester NY newspapers, and there are beats that reporters cover as well. This means someone is watching over virtually every neighborhood in town, looking for good and heartfelt stories that make residents happy and responding to the more hard hitting news stories affecting these neighborhoods. This full scale investment can be felt by most Rochester NY newspapers.
Two: Rochester NY newspapers are sponsors of tons of different events throughout the year, furthering their respective commitments to the Rochester NY community. Events like 5K races and fun runs, like fundraisers, like school based events that raise money for the area’s school children and their teachers, and like community and culinary events litter the landscape around Rochester NY, and most Rochester NY newspapers are happy to participate in any way they can. They often spread the word through sponsorship of these events, but they additionally have excellent coverage of them as well, both on the front promotion end and on the back follow up end.
Three: Rochester NY newspapers are strongly invested in the educational aspects of the area’s school systems, so they are in the classrooms and their representatives are making positive strides toward getting kids to read and getting them excited about reading too. Not every Rochester newspaper participates at the same level, but most Rochester newspapers are part of some newspapers in education program or another that aims to both support these schools and keep kids interested in reading through various educational programming that they sponsor.